Botox vs Dysport: Which is Better?
It’s something we get asked all the time: “Which is better—Botox or Dysport?” There are a few differences between the two, but for the most part, they’re actually very similar!
Botox and Dysport are both used to relax the muscles that cause frown lines, forehead lines, crow’s feet, and other overactive muscles. Both products have shown similar efficacy, safety, and duration in clinical studies. They’re both similar in price, last about 3 to 4 months, and have amazing rebate programs.
Here’s where the differences between Botox and Dysport come in:
Dysport and Botox are reconstituted differently, which changes the dosage level. For example, if you use 20 units of Botox, you would need 50 units of Dysport—but because Dysport is less expensive ($4.50/unit vs. $12.50/unit), they are still very similar in price.
Dysport has a quicker onset than Botox. Dysport takes about 2 to 5 days to see results, while Botox takes 4 to 7 days.
Dysport diffuses to a wider area than Botox. This can be beneficial when addressing issues such as forehead wrinkles or crow’s feet. On the other hand, Botox is better in areas with thicker muscles, such as between your eyebrows, and smaller areas where more precision is needed.
In most cases, choosing Botox or Dysport is a personal preference. We have several patients who only use Dysport because it works better and lasts longer for them, and vice versa with Botox—but most of our patients don’t notice any difference between the two products!
The most important question isn’t “Botox or Dysport?” Instead, it’s “Who should perform my procedure?” Make sure to go to an experienced physician or registered nurse.
SKN at Franks Dermatology
Simmons Bank Plaza Building
4220 North Rodney Parham Rd., Suite 102
Little Rock, AR 72212
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Clinic Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 – 5:00
Friday: 8:30 – 2:30