Deoxycholic Acid
Deoxycholic Acid injections permanently dissolve excess fat cells. It’s FDA-approved to be used under the chin–AKA the “double chin” area. You can also use Deoxycholic Acid on any fat: armpit fat, bra line fat, knees, thighs, arms, etc. Deoxycholic Acid is helpful for patients with stubborn excess fat, but it doesn’t treat loose skin–it only destroys fat cells.
What to Expect
RESULTS: Seen in 4-6 weeks. 2-4 treatments may be needed depending on the area. Each treatment is 6 weeks apart.
LASTS: Permanent
RECOVERY: Swelling, tenderness and possible bruising
PAIN: Local lidocaine injected prior to treatment
Deoxycholic Acid FAQS
Before + After Care Tips
SKN at Franks Dermatology
Simmons Bank Plaza Building
4220 North Rodney Parham Rd., Suite 102
Little Rock, AR 72212
Phone + Information
Clinic Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 – 5:00
Friday: 8:30 – 2:30