Rachel injecting Botox into patient's masseter to help treat TMD

Treating TMD with BOTOX and Dysport

November 30, 2023

Neurotoxins like Botox® and Dysport have become fan-favorites for treating fine lines and wrinkles. However, their uses extend beyond cosmetic purposes. At SKN, one of our favorite applications for these injections is for the treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD), commonly referred to as TMJ disorders. In this article, we will explore how these neurotoxins can be used to treat TMD. Discover the benefits of utilizing BOTOX and Dysport injections for TMD and how they can provide relief from this often debilitating condition.

Understanding Neurotoxins

Neurotoxins, such as BOTOX and Dysport, work by blocking the signals between muscles and the brain. By inhibiting muscle contractions, these injections help relax the targeted area, resulting in a smoother appearance. While most people associate neurotoxins with facial treatments, they can also be used in various other parts of the body to address specific medical conditions.

What is TMD?

TMD (temporomandibular joint disorders) is the broad term for various disorders associated with the TMJ, the temporomandibular joint. When you clench and grind your teeth (“bruxism”) you are putting excess strain and tension on the muscles in your jaw. This can lead to clicking-like noises in the jaw, headaches, jaw pain, and various other symptoms. Neurotoxin injections have emerged as a promising treatment option for TMD, offering relief from the associated discomfort and improving overall jaw function.

How Neurotoxins Can Help Treat TMD

When injected into the affected muscles around the jaw, BOTOX and Dysport can effectively reduce muscle tension and spasms. By relaxing the muscles responsible for jaw movement, these neurotoxins alleviate the strain on the temporomandibular joint, leading to decreased pain and improved jaw mobility. The goal of neurotoxin treatments is to help minimize the amount of time spent teeth grinding and clenching, especially at night. In our sleep, we can apply considerably more pressure (up to ten times more pressure) than we can when we are awake. Neurotoxin treatments in this area will not prevent you from clenching your jaw at will, but they will help prevent the constant jaw pressure and strain.

The Treatment Process

The treatment of TMD with neurotoxins is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed in SKN’s Little Rock clinic. A trained healthcare professional will carefully administer the injections into the targeted muscles, tailoring the treatment to each patient’s specific needs. The procedure is relatively quick, and patients can resume their daily activities immediately afterward. Patients can expect to need anywhere from 30-40 units of BOTOX® or 60-80 units of Dysport.

Benefits of Neurotoxin Treatment for TMD

  • Pain relief: Neurotoxins effectively reduce muscle tension, alleviating the pain associated with TMD.
  • Improved jaw function: By relaxing the muscles, neurotoxins enhance jaw mobility and reduce limitations in movement.
  • Decreased teeth grinding and clenching: Neurotoxins can help break the cycle of teeth grinding and clenching, which often exacerbate TMD symptoms.
  • Non-surgical approach: Unlike invasive surgical options, neurotoxin treatment offers a non-surgical alternative for TMD management.
  • Aesthetic benefits: In addition to treating the medical component of TMD, neurotoxins can provide aesthetic benefits as well. As we put strain on our masseter muscles, we are building those muscles up just like any other in the body, increasing their size. When the neurotoxins are fully settled, the jawline can slim as the muscle is fully relaxed.

Choosing the Right Provider

When considering neurotoxin treatment for TMD, it is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional experienced in administering these injections. Look for a reputable clinic that specializes in both cosmetic and medical applications of neurotoxins. A skilled provider will ensure safe and effective treatment, tailored to your unique needs. Our expert aesthetic injectors at SKN at Franks Dermatology in Little Rock, Arkansas, are qualified to provide safe and effective injections of BOTOX and Dysport

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SKN at Franks Dermatology


Simmons Bank Plaza Building
4220 North Rodney Parham Rd., Suite 102
Little Rock, AR 72212

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Monday – Thursday: 8:30 – 5:00
Friday: 8:30 – 2:30